Tuesday, April 26, 2011

go, go ahead, read some books

Halo. So the MTC changed their schedule entirely. On our last week here. It's rotting my brain. There is no longer ANY MDT time. Companionship study is with a teacher. Two hours of personal study (I'm not complaining about that part...it's just hard to keep from going crazy because I usually break things up into half hour segments to stay focused and awake in MDT. Basically, this resulted in an interpretive dance being created for the First Vision. It was quite moving.) Last night Sister Jensen and I were discussing what passage to have our Juni (progressing investigator) read next time we meet with him. She suggested Moroni 7&8 so I turned to "Moroni" 7&8. I was slightly baffled that she wanted our investigator who just accepted the baptismal invitation to read this chapter but I kind of just hinted that maybe we should find something else. Five minutes later I realized I had been reading in Mormon 8. Hell fire and brimstone baby. This schedule will be the death of me. I promise I'm not this dense, I'm familiar with Moroni. I was just extremely tired. And then to make things even more awesome, the cafeteria is under construction so there's one option of deep fried food every meal :) I've never been so excited for airport food in my life.

I think I already told you, mis padres, but I got my flight plans! We leave next Monday at about 5 something and fly to San Fran where we have a 6 or 7 hour layover and then we fly straight to Singapore! On Singapore Airlines! 18 hour flight! Ohhhh baby.

It's only been a few days since I last emailed so I feel like there really isn't much to say. It's not like my best friend got married or anything. I hope everyone starts sending me some pictures stat. I bet she looked so pretty! I bet it was beautiful!

We had an Easter egg hunt on Sunday! It was the best, I loved it. And then a sweet sweet fireside. Stephen Allen spoke to us. He's been in charge of the old Mormon adds on tv for a long time so we got to watch the awesome old ones from the 70's and 80's and related the messages about family to missionary work.

Oh, also this week, Sister Jensen and I were picked to demonstrate how to begin teaching in the new missionary orientation on Wednesday night. So basically we're just missing class left and right this week. I'm not really a fan. I need to speak Malay ya know?

I don't know what else to say to you. I have nothing. I leave for Singapore in 6 days. I'm stoked. It's snowing right now. I'm so glad I will never see that again for a year and a half. Good riddance. But I love you all. Send a letter to Singapore sometime if you want. I'll make sure to get my Malaysian address to you once I get it. Looove you!

Sister Norton


  1. Mikelle! Singapore air is the best. We flew from LA to Singapore on our way to Thailand, and it was SOO nice! They have like 5 options that you can choose from for dinner. Jared and I chose Indian curry. Amazing! Jenna's wedding was amazing too, and she was SOO beautiful!! You were mentioned quite frequently at the wedding luncheon and had quite the cameo in her wedding video. You were missed!

  2. Thanks Nan! That will mean a lot to Mikelle and I have forwarded it on to her. You're right ... the wedding was beautiful ... Jenna was beautiful! Your mom is amazing! Lily was pretty darn cute too!
