Tuesday, July 19, 2011

It's kinda like what you wanted, except opposite.

My kawan is so wise.

I just came from the top of the Marina Bay Sands. Holy smokes. That place is crazy. I'll try to send some pictures. We have some amazing people in our ward who took us to the top for free! Gotta love the expat ward.

It's been another roller coaster week. Being in this city is so frustrating sometimes. I miss the mountains and real beauty. We were walking along the boardwalk in front of VivoCity mall the other night as we were contacting, and there were so many people sitting there, staring out at Sentosa Island (a man-made amusement park island), either on their iPhones, iPads, or just listening to music. Everyone is so plugged in! It would be great if the networks failed for even one day here. "National Take-Your-Headphones-Out-Of-Your-Ears Day." That's what I'm pushing for. There might be some serious separation anxiety...but maybe they'd realize how beautiful this island is and how many amazing people are surrounding them. Oooohhh frustration.

It was great for teaching though. We met this man yesterday in the park who asked, "Me??" after EVERY SINGLE question we asked him. I was trying so hard not to laugh. But he wants to meet us again! Happy happy. We were able to meet with N and teach him the Plan of Salvation. He loved hearing about the plan that God has for us and our families, in this life and after. He's finally decided to try coming to church! Then there was NG, when we met with her on Wednesday, she told us she'd heard about not drinking coffee so she was trying to stop. We hadn't even taught her the Word of Wisdom yet and she was already trying to follow it! Luckily we were able to talk about that and help her understand that awesome counsel we have to keep ourselves healthy to help her want to follow it even more. We also had a great lesson with K. It was really neat because during that lesson, I was reminded once more of the strength and power behind my calling as a missionary. He was so surprised by my conviction when we were discussing the gospel of Jesus Christ and how vital it is to our salvation. I do know that it is the only way that we are saved. I was shocked by my own conviction as well. There is only one name by which we are saved, and He requires more than just proclaiming faith on that name. There is a path to follow Christ. It's marked and it's definite. And it's absolutely fair, that's why my calling is so important as a missionary right now. I'm making sure more people hear about it! I love my job.

In other news, I was proposed to once again. You know the conversation isn't going anywhere good when it starts out with, "Sister Norton, may I ask you a personal question please?" So the relationship with that investigator might be a bit awkward now. I also had two terrifying encounters with cockroaches this week. One in our kitchen and one in the church building. It landed on me and ran down my leg which caused a complete meltdown, as you can imagine. Also, be looking for the Singapore Youth's musical in the upcoming issue of the Liahona! Errrr the New Era maybe?? Just look for it :) I know pretty much all of the youth mentioned in the article. They're the best lah!

I love you all and hope you're healthy and loving life! Sorry I don't have time to write more, Mommy. Maybe you can just go watch Harry Potter again with all the extra time I saved you ;) Stinker.


Sister Norton

Atop Marina Bay Sands … breathtakingly beautiful!!

View from on top looking down.

take a swim ....

or shop ...

... all I can say is if you make it to Singapore,
you won't want to miss this place :)

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