Wednesday, July 13, 2011

hey you guys... where's bob?

We were on the MRT the other day and the handicap seat was open, so I told Sister Wong to take it because she has skin tags. She told me to take it because I'm white. There's so much love between us.

Happy "BDay" Alison!!! Best month ever, right? :) (Alison has now been a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for over a month!)

It has been such a great week! There are possible transfers coming up at the end of this month and I'm getting a little worried that things are so great here right now that either Sister Howard or I are going to get shipped out to just all seems too good to be true. I can't remember if I mentioned NG last week (I've decided on a special abbreviation, so I can remember who I'm talking about without actually disclosing names, sneaky huh?)...she's a young girl from South Korea and a member in our ward invited her to come to church a few weeks ago. She's been coming every Sunday since then and we finally got to meet with her last Thursday. We taught her about the restoration of Christ's true church and asked her how she felt and she replied, "Well it must be true. It happened almost two hundred years ago and it's only been growing since then, I think that means it's good and it's true." Although we were plenty pleased with that response, we told her that she doesn't have to follow something just because so many other people do, that she could have an answer for herself that it's true, directly from God, that we'd actually much prefer that over her trusting our faith. It was so cute when she got so excited to know that she could have that, an answer from God. We're meeting with her again tonight and she's on date to be baptized 30 July :) I love it!*

We taught TT on Friday again as well. We focused on the plan that our Heavenly Father has for all of us to live with Him and our families forever. It meant so much to her as her mother passed away almost three years ago from cancer. She's incredible. We showed up to her house and she pulled out her Plan of Salvation pamphlet with a page of notes, questions, and impressions she had taken down while reading it. Every question that she had just led us into the next part of the plan that we wanted to share with her. She was so engaged in the lesson that it was just a conversation, which is what we always want. When we told her that we know about the entirety of this plan through modern revelation and a living prophet, she was instantly interested in how she could know for herself that he was really a prophet of God. Amazing! So obviously we're excited to see her again this week.

So much more happened but I'm out of time! I love you all and hope you're doing well! You're always in my prayers!

Alex, I got your email and I'll write you a letter today!! I love you so much, sister! Miss you!


Sister Norton

*Saejin, if you read this ever, she reminds me so much of you!! I wish you could be here to share your conversion story with her! I miss you and love you and hope you're doing well!

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