Wednesday, September 7, 2011

that's not what I meaned!

I actually said that this past week. Along with telling Sister Wong that I can speak Engrish. Rosak sudah. I don't know what's happening to me.

We had zone conference last week and it was amazing! It was just here in Singapore this time...because that's where our zone is...:) Elder Perkins and Brother Osguthorpe came to visit us. President gave an awesome training on the excuse-of-a-phrase "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." I love President Clark. He doesn't beat around the bush with anything. It was all about one of the greatest gifts that God has given us as His children, our agency. We have the power to control ourselves. He gave some examples like King David, and related it to modern-day examples like pornography, with some people thinking that the natural man is more powerful, that the flesh will win over. But he turned it around like this, "the flesh is willing but the spirit is weak." We can't blame anything on the natural man. It's all about desire. If the desire is truly there, then the flesh will do what it's told. It was awesome, so empowering. For me, it really brought more sense to fasting. Show the flesh who's in charge!

After the conference, the Toa Payoh ward had a BBQ for Hari Raya. (It is a Muslim holiday, but everyone was off school and work, so why not?) L & E came!! It was a blast. Tons of food and games. Plus I won a new tube of toothpaste and I was running low.

This is almost all of the Singapore zone ... welcoming back Elder Schone!

We're kind of having a hard time with investigators being worried about having their souls taken lately. Don't know what the deal it was timely that we had that training from president so we could know how to address it. A few people that we're teaching were asking if it's possible for someone to take your soul. So we just said no. You'd have to give it. Ended that nonsense.

N came to church! He only stayed for ten minutes, but it's a start! We taught him about the Word of Wisdom on Monday and committed him to that, so now he's going to quit smoking. It's something he's been wanting to do for a while, so we'll kick it for good this time.

B shared his testimony with us when we met last week and picked a new baptismal date for himself. 8 October! Please pray for him, tithing is still the issue. But it's happening this time.

We met with Y&I too this last week and were able to talk a little bit about temples. I can't wait for the day when they get to go to the house of the Lord. Saya tahu bahawa kamu dua akan sayangi bait suci itu! Ada banyak untuk belajar tentang Tuhan dan Allah di sana.

SARAH KATHERINE. You are going to be so wonderful. Good luck heading to the MTC next week. You better get me an address soon. I love you!

I'm out of time. Sorry! I love you all and hope you have a great week!

Sister Norton

(A note from Mikelle's Mom ~ Mikelle's birthday is next week, so anyone wanting to leave a comment to wish her a happy day can do that and I will relay ALL comments to her. You can also send a birthday card if you wish, using the Singapore address to the right ... on Bukit Timah Road.) Thank you Chris

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