Friday, February 24, 2012

it was a good sunday lah

So we were on a bus on Saturday night coming back from Paya Terubong, a little outside of our area. A group of Nigerians got on the bus and one came and sat next to me. I started talking to him and he said he was going to church right then. Oh such an easy transition. I pulled out a Book of Mormon pass along card and before I could really share what it is he cut me off with, "Latter-day Saints? I was baptized into that church in Nigeria in 2008!" What?! "I'm a Priest." So, he didn't know that there was a church in Penang (it's been a while I think...) so we gave him the address and invited him to come the next morning. He was there along with three of our Nigerian investigators and some others. It was a good Sunday lah. We thought there would be no one coming. We had worked so hard to get as many of them at church and woke up to some calls and SMS's that left us hoping for at least two there. Then bam, with some major help from our Heavenly Father, seven! It was a miracle. Happy girl here.

Another happy thing...the English class size once again grew by two students. Huzzah.

We met a way cool Nepalese guy last week while going to visit a family that we teach. He said he was Christian also so we set up a time to meet with him and when we sat down to talk, he put his bible on the table and said, "I've only been Christian for about four years but I don't really know which one to follow. Can you help me know which one to join?" Ohhhh such a magical thing to hear. So he's on date to be baptized at the end of March.

And some more: J is awesome. We've had some great faith-building experiences with her this last week. We haven't taught her about fasting but she knew that we were fasting for a friend one day so she called on Tuesday night saying she needed to fast for her can she do it? Golden. Still doing great.

Our Indonesian family, A&D...A's wife hasn't been joining our discussions but when we went last week, she was out in the living room and had questions for us. Then she asked if it's too late in the lessons for her to learn too. So big progress made there. We saw them again last night and they wanted to feed us before our bus to KL. I again wanted to cry afterwards. They told us flat out that if we don't eat it all, they'll know we didn't like it. Aduh.

Here we are in KL now. Maybe I'll have some cool stuff to share about it next week. All we've done so far was have Pday at the Batu Caves. I'll send pictures.

I love you all! Enjoy the cold.

Sister Norton


The hill we bike ... a lot.

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